
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Common Sense Christ-centered Marriage Week 10 Day 2
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Week 10 Day 2 Join Caleb and Briana for part 2 on Servanthood and Submission in marriage. Be encouraged with tips for positive steps you can take for unity in marriage.

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Common Sense Christ-Centered Marriage Week 10 Day 1
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
My husband Caleb joins me today for discussing marriage from Ephesians 5. What does servant leadership look like? What does submission look like? Caleb shatters some ideas that taken scripture out of context for many years. He encourages husbands and wives to lift up Jesus as the example for relationships.

Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Common Sense Christ-Centered Marriage Week 9 Day 5
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Today, my husband Caleb joins me to discuss marriage and what the scriptures teach us about God's plan for it. I am super excited to have Caleb's refreshing insights in the studio with me so you can glean from his wisdom. Ephesians 5 has some wonderful, yet difficult commands for husbands and wives. How do we live this out? Listen today for practical advice you can take to the bank.

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Steps to Overcoming Anxiety - The Nuts and Bolts of Finding Freedom Part 2
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
This podcast is for the person who needs a very practical, step by step, Biblical and Christ-centered approach to walking out of anxiety.This is the second session from the Freedom Gathering in November 2019. Briana teaches on "R's" of Freedom and gives a plan of attack on how to "tend your garden" for spiritual renewal.
1. Revelation from the Holy Spirit (Reveal the root)
2. Recognize the root of your anxiety
3. Release and forgive those who have injured you
4. Repent of known and unknown sin
5. Renounce (2 Corinthians 4:2) A verbal declaration renouncing lies
6. Renew and Rebuild what has been desolate for generations
7. Rebuke Satan
8. Refill - Don't leave the house empty. Refill with the Holy Spirit and truth!
9. Regenerate - Healing "Lord, regenerate, heal and bring life to the parts of my emotions, soul and spirit that were wounded."

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Steps to Overcoming Anxiety Through the Love of Jesus Part 1
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Today's Podcast was recorded in November of 2019 at the Freedom Gathering of Revealed Ministries. In part 2, Briana shares practical and powerful truths from scripture on how to begin to walk out of anxiety. This is the beginning of a very thorough teaching series from the weekend including how to close open doors of abuse and personal pain that can increase fear and anxiety. Briana also teaches how forgiveness releases the authority of God into our lives and what the difference is between dealing with fear in a spiritually healing way, as opposed to just "managing" pain. Learn how to gain revelation into the love of Jesus and his ability to deliver us from anxiety and what to do if you don't "feel" the love of God. Get a paper and pen, because you don't want to forget these ministry-tested and biblically sound timeless truths to overcoming fear.

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Overcoming Rejection and Unforgiveness - Jennifer Milbourn's Testimony
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Listen to abortion survivor Jennifer Milbourn share at Emmaus Church's March 15, 2020 service. This is the last session in the Overcomer Conference and the last public worship service Emmaus Church held before the government ban on groups over 10 people. Jennifer shares about her journey in discovering she is an abortion survivor and talks about the goodness of God in healing her through her relationship with Jesus Christ over the years that followed.
You may hear discussion during the service about the church still meeting, but this was before the conditions escalated quickly and the government issued a ban on services. Emmaus Church currently live streams their services and Bible studies through Youtube and Zoom. You may follow Revealed Ministries on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Also, learn more at Briananei.com.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Week 9 Day 4 Not a Hint- The Believer and Pornography
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
In today's study, Briana discusses the scripture that says no one who is immoral, impure or greedy will enter the kingdom of Heaven. What does this passage mean? What does it mean to be immoral or impure? What does greed have to do with this? Also today, Briana covers what the American College of Pediatrics says are the researched affects of pornography use. How do we protect our children from the increasing dangers of online sexual content. Parental discretion advised. This episode may not be suitable for children.

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Revealed in Ephesians Week 9 Day 3 Not A Hint - Overcoming Sexual Sin
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
In today's broadcast, Briana digs into what it really means in Ephesians 5 when it says not a hint of sexual immorality or impurity. 5 minutes in she teaches you how to look up the Greek roots of a passage. How did Billy Graham protect his life and ministry from false accusation and from temptation? Learn how you can apply this scriptural principal to your own life. What are other protections you can put in place to help your children and your family?

Monday Nov 25, 2019
Revealed in Ephesians Week 9 Day 2 Not a Hint - Overcoming Sexual Sin
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
In today's study Briana talks about Ephesians 5 and Paul's teaching that we need to live lives without a hint of sexual immorality. If I'm a Christian and living in the grace of God, why does what I do matter to God? What are some of the dangerous Christian errors that lead people into sin and away from the Lord? How does sin even affect the environment? Listen to find out!

Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Revealed in Ephesians Week 9 Day 1 Not a hint- Overcoming sexual sin
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
What is hiding in your life that no one knows about but you? Are you struggling to overcome things that you are ashamed of? Today, Briana teaches how to being the process of "searching" in prayer for the things that may be the hidden causes of sexual sin. God can give you victory through Jesus Christ, but you need to seek his face to find his leading. Learn how today.